To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress. For instructions on how to install and setup WordPress please check with your host or see the WordPress website http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress

Download the Bellevue theme, and install using either of the following 2 methods:

A. Wordpress upload

Download the theme zip from ThemeForest and unzip it.

Once unzipped, open the folder and find and upload the file that's inside called bellevue-theme.zip

B. FTP upload

If you prefer to upload BELLEVUE via FTP, then unzip the same folder called bellevue-theme.zip and upload its contents to your  /wp-content/themes/ folder on your website server.

Once loaded, now it's time to activate it. Go to APPEARANCE --> THEMES and click the 'Activate' button underneath the Bellevue image to activate it.


You should now see a window asking you if you're ready to get set up:

Click LET'S GO. The next steps presented are self-explanatory and will lead you through the setup process easily. Simply follow through all of the steps. It's highly recommended to install ALL of the plugins, both optional and required. Once installed, click ACTIVATE.

Done? Your new website is now ready for you to personalise! You're now ready to move on to the next section, PERSONALISE YOUR CONTENT.

Everything shown in all of the demos (and much more) can be re-created with the included standard version of Elementor. Elementor is a superb drag-and-drop editor which will make your work so much easier. Elementor PRO is a paid upgrade which adds many more widgets and features.

Don't know how to customise with Elementor yet? Check out Elementor's documentation HERE.

If you missed the activation setup step, you can always check to see the current setup progress under Appearance > Theme Setup.

Next: Personalise your content

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