Translate words 'sort' and 'all' of the Grid widget

You may need to translate the words 'Sort', and 'All' from the following widgets: 

  • Rooms grid widget
  • Accommodation grid widget

To translate 'Sort'

  • 'Sort' should be translatable already through your translation plugin search. Please target the 'Page Builder Widget Pack' plugin within your translation tool.

To translate 'All'

Step 1 - Hide All

[data-filter='*']{ display:none !important; }

Step 2 - Add your own custom filter for 'All' (optional).

  • Please use create a new filter (aka type) called 'All' (or call it what you wish), along with the others you created.
  • Add all the projects/rooms/tours/holes to the filter (aka type). It will be used to show all items. 
  • It should show first on your filters list. You should be able to translate this with the others.
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